- The common goal of the actors working together in the platform is to enable cities and communities to offer excellent quality of life for their inhabitants as well as an attractive business location while becoming increasingly energy and resource efficient.
- To this effect, the members of the platform work on innoative ways to integrate different technologies from areas such as building technologies, energy grids, renewable energies, information and communciation technologies as well as mobility. In addition to technological and organisational solutions, new financing and business models are being developed, which shall enable a successful implementaiton beyond pilot projects.
- Through this involvement in the interdisciplinary development of smart city solutions, the platform wishes to make a contribution to the attainment of the EU goals with regard to improving energy efficiency, reducing CO2-emissions and increased deployment of renewable energy sources
- In order to promote the testing and increased implementation of such solutions, the platform is in favour of and wishes to be involved in pilot and demonstration projects on smart cities topics in Austria and Europe.
- The platform aims at becoming involved in relelvant European initiatives and activities, in order to make a contribution to shaping those initiatives.
- The platform also aims at promoting research and development as well as pilot projects on topcis with particular relevance for Austrian cities and businesses within European as well as national programmes.